Occupational Course of Study

December 10th 2024: This school year we have two students from the Occupational Course of Study (OCS) at Grimsley High School and two students from OCS at Page High School. It has been a wonderful year so far with kids here Monday through Thursday and the first year I have no students who want to work on the computer. That makes updating the blog with what the kids have been doing is currently my job so, that explains why it has not happened much this school year.

July 8th 2024: Three students attending Page High School OCS Summer School began their summer job site here with us at Joy Watson Real Estate. We will only have them for three weeks for two days each week. We are also working to register our apprenticeship so that we can grow opportunities for people.

Josiah (aka on Instagram Evil Spyder) has moved and he is sorely missed. Here are some photos of what we have been doing here since Josiah moved away.

Leaf Blowing

At Joy Watson Real-Estate some of the OCS students do leaf blowing to move the leaves out of the way.

Getting Eggs

At Joy Watson Real-Estate some students get eggs from the chicken coops. They also feed the chickens.

Cooking In The Kitchen

At Joy Watson Real-Estate some of the OCS students help cook and make treats for guests. They also make treats for the other students.

My Bio 

Hi, I’m Josiah and this is my bio. So to start off I’m the person who edits the Occupational Course of Study (OCS) blog post for JoyWatsonRealestate.com. I also do graphic design for postcards and the Facebook post that most likely brought you here. I’m a Senior at Page High School and I’m volunteering at Joy Watson Real Estate to learn more about graphic design and job skills. When I go home I like to do video editing and some 3D modeling. I use Canva for graphic design and Square Space for editing the blog post. The picture below is me on the computer learning more about content creation. The most fun thing to do on Canva for me is making QR codes. The software I use at home is Canva, Blender, Microsoft Clipchamp, Wallpaper Engine, Source Filmmaker, and Unreal Engine. I use YouTube and Google to learn more about Canva.

These photos are from the 2023-2024 school year

They were putting up the lights for the steps on the porch.

This page is a collaboration between Joy Watson and the students from Page High School who are working here with us during the school year.

We filled out postcards to be mailed into outer space to fly on Blue Origins New Shepard Rocket.

Sourdough english muffins made with Deshawn

These photos are from the 2022-2023 school year. We planted about 250 bulbs from the Master Gardener program. One of the students worked on marketing and designed a postcard we mailed to everyone in my Idlewood neighborhood. Students helped paint the interior of the garage at 905. They helped me clean out and organize the shed in the backyard at 909. They fed chickens and got eggs every day they came. My mom helped them make some fancy Mother’s Day Cards for their Moms. They helped move trash cans back in on trash day. Students helped saw apart pallets that were used for creating paths in high-traffic areas. We planted so many seeds and then planted the starts in the ground. We made sourdough English muffins and sourdough waffles. Mostly we shared time together and learned about each other.

2022-2023 was the first year I had Occupational Course of Study students coming to my house as a job site. As a teacher, I had set up job sites and buses for kids to get to and from job sites. As a job coach, I have been to many job sites and helped students transition into their job sites.

To me, this is one of the best programs offered in the public schools today. It is the program I worked as a teaching assistant (TA) when I first got a job working for Guilford County Schools. It is a program that teaches job and life skills to kids who are not seeking a traditional diploma heading to a four-year college after high school. Students in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS) must complete 900 work hours as part of their graduation requirements. Or at least that was the requirement when I was still teaching. I was a TA at Grimsley, then took a long-term substitute job teaching OCS at Grimsley after I graduated from Greensboro College in 2015. I taught OCS at Andrews High School in High Point for the next three years and then taught resource and inclusion for my last two years at Andrews. I taught for a few months at Gillespie Park before quitting teaching during COVID in 2021.

Joy Watson

Ivy and Ellie's Mom. Domestic Engineer and lifelong learner.

Owner/Broker in Charge at Joy Watson Real Estate

Owner/Broker in Charge at Joy Watson Real Estate

Short Term Rental Property Management at Watsucker Llc

Former Former Broker at eXp Realty

Former Real estate broker at Coldwell Banker Advantage

Former EC Teacher at Gillespie Park Elementary

Former Exceptional Children's Teacher (EC Teacher) at Andrews High School EC

Former Teacher's Assistant at Grimsley High School

Former Front desk at Greensboro YMCA

Former Teacher's Aide at FUSD Sechrist Elementary school

Studied Education at Guilford College

Studied Education at Greensboro College

Went to West Henderson High

Went to Ramsay High School (Birmingham, Alabama)

Studied Master Gardener Certification at University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

Lives in Greensboro, North Carolina

In a relationship with Eric Hunsucker


Sustainability and the rehabing of 1007 Grayland


Our first rental property